Elina Salminem

I'm the Associate Director for Humanities Initiatives at CITRAL. I currently work on three UCSB initiatives: Engaging Humanities, the Arnhold Teaching and Learning Initiative, as well as redesigning the General Catalog. My pedagogical interests include community-based learning, holistic mentoring, graduate student professional development, and equity. Much of my work revolves around project management, but I also facilitate workshops and seminars on mentoring, equitable teaching, and the humanities. I received my PhD in Classical Art and Archaeology from the University of Michigan, and I continue to be excited about exploring the resonances of past material culture in the modern world. In 2022-2023, I am the Co-Chair of the ISSOTL Publications Committee, Chair of POD Network's SoTL Special Interest Group, member of the POD Speaks Editorial Board, and a reviewer for ISSOTL, POD, and the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.In my spare time, I enjoy indoor climbing, Netflix binging, and obsessing over dogs on the internet.