Rebecca Greer

As the Instruction Program Coordinator at UCSB Library, I regularly work with Librarians, Faculty, and Students to deliver and enhance teaching and learning opportunities associated with information literacy. In this role, I help to facilitate instruction sessions taught by librarians and develop curricula with faculty and librarians to meet students' academic research needs. I am also a practitioner. I teach multiple instruction sessions every quarter and collaborate with various departments both in and outside the library to further the development of the Library Instruction Program. My work is highly centered around the idea of information literacy as a set of skills, dispositions, and competencies that must be continually honed in context. I have an extensive background in teaching and learning and an affinity for applying these skills to academic libraries, both face-to-face and online. I have been working in academic libraries in a teaching capacity for over 7 years, and have interests in andragogy, online learning technologies, instructional design, and active learning techniques.