I am Assessment Coordinator for the Office of Budget and Planning. My role in this position--as I see it--is to encourage, inform, and support the educational dialogs among faculty and students at UCSB. I help faculty across campus to develop program-specific assessment plans as part of our university’s accreditation process, with an emphasis on gathering data that are *useful* and support programs’ own current goals for growth and change to improve educational impacts on student learning. Toward that end, I enjoy helping faculty to craft focused scoring guides that translate course/program learning goals into concrete descriptions of student work. I also work with the CITRAL team to disseminate information about UCSB student learning experiences (e.g., in GE courses, online education) and pedagogical ideas/strategies based in current teaching-and-learning scholarship.
My background is writing studies, educational theory, and teaching practice. I have particular interest in threshold concepts and specialized cultures of communication across disciplines, expert/novice learning dynamics, the social-rhetorical foundations of educational dialogs, and strategies for active group learning.
I have taught educational theory-in-practice to undergraduates (Gevirtz Graduate School of Education), facilitated classroom research projects with student teachers (Teacher Education Program), explored the scholarship of teaching and learning with graduate TAs (Grad 210: Teaching Theory into Practice), and coordinated interdisciplinary research-into-teaching projects with faculty (UCSB Crossroads). Professionally and personally, I have a penchant for organizing ideas and clarifying language to foster effective educational exchanges among diverse cultural/intellectual groups with varied levels and types of experience. If you’re doing that kind of work: reach out! I’m happy to help.